The Star Under The City is now LIVE!!

Back in October 2016 when I first began gathering ideas for this story I had no idea I would actually publish a book! Of course it was always a dream, but also seamed to be in the far and distant future like a fairy tale.


I was recently looking through the blue notebook with my first ideas, little sketches, and midnight jot-downs. It was a blast to read two or three different climax ideas and then look at the finished story!


All through NaNo I worked to be on time with my word count, still not totally sure what I was doing….. Without warning, the characters pulled me into their lives and I enjoyed the journey immensely, laughing and even crying right along with them. As December rolled in, I stared in shock at a rough and ragged (but still living and breathing) first draft!! I had done it!!


But it didn’t end there….not by a long shot! xD The editing process felt hard at times, but with the help of my wonderful editor and beta readers, we’ve finally pulled through and it came out so much better for it! The facts stable, plot stronger, characters deeper and even more relatable than before. ❤

It is with mounds of thanks to my family and friends that I’ve finally made it! And I am now T.H.R.I.L.L.E.D. to announce that my novel is available for purchase!!


For those of you who would like to order your own copy, you can find available it on Amazon or CreateSpace!

And! For you Arizonians…..I will be at the AFHE Homeschool Convention this July 7 & 8, in the Young Entrepreneurs section with Generation Rising!! 🙂 Really looking forward to that!

I hope you enjoy the book! And please, leave a review!

I can’t wait to hear what you all think!

Keep Writing!!
Maggie Joy

33 thoughts on “The Star Under The City is now LIVE!!

    1. Thanks Paul! Yeah…. *ducks head* 😛 Mal paid shipping so I was able to get more than planned!! And a few of those copies are mom’s 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Congrats Maggie! *highfive* And swoon over that picture of all the books stacked up!!!!! Oh my word. . . book lovers heaven! I can’t wait till my copy arrives in the mail! I have to wait two whole days! Amazon Prime has spoiled me forever. 😀 I can’t wait to read it!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. EEEEEP! Congrats Maggie! I’m so excited for you! (And for myself – if I don’t have a copy of this soon, I just might expire) 😉

    And that picture of all of them . . . *sigh* My sister can attest to the fact that I started squealing as soon as I saw it. XD

    Anyway, congratulations! I am so excited to get my hands on a copy! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Congrats, Maggie! The story looks so interesting. It will definitely be going onto my to be read list. 🙂

    This is also my first comment on your lovely blog. I look forward to reading future posts. 🙂


    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s so fun to hear!! Thank you Emma!!
      Me too 👌😀 somehow, that time time period is just the best!


  4. Yay! I got ‘The Star under the City’ yesterday and read it in less than 24 hours. 🙂 (I am a fast reader, and that comes with a lot of teasing;))
    It was really good, Maggie! Keep writing!

    Molly @

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I finished your book like five minutes ago…….Finished in 24 hours!!!!! It was so good! *sob* I liked [spoiler removed]!!!!! How come all the people I like always die?????? You did an awesome job!

    Liked by 2 people

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