best gif ever & a tag

hey guys : )

along with some of you, i was tagged for the liebster award 🙂

Image result for question and answer gif

thanks Parker from Pencils and Pianos for the tag. 🙂
the rules are just like normal tags….
1. Thank the blog that nominated you for the award
2. Answer the questions they gave you
3. Give 11 fun facts about yourself
4. Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award, and give them 11 questions to answer.
all right, here’s Parker’s questions and my answers….
  •  Do you prefer moonlight or sunlight?

it depends on what i’m doing lol but to just sit outside and stare, i’d prefer moonlight. i think. that’s kinda hard. i love sunsets.


  • What does your room look like on a normal day?

happily i have an older sister who i’ll need to thank for making this answer less than mortifying xD honestly tho i like keeping places like my desk, etc, clean so if she didn’t keep our room as nice as she does, i would probably….. step up and keep it clean myself. i mean like, i could. like, able….you know. *coughs* but, hey! thanks sister! xP

(priceless gif, obviously^)


  • What’s your favorite quote? 

do people honestly think there’s an answer to this question? x) i can say one of my (many) favorites.

She found the colors to paint him when the world left him grey


  • What book genre do you prefer? 

Image result for ww2 banner

historical fiction ww2. i’ve found it easiest to find the honest, raw and real books in this genre. and that would be why it’s my favorite.


  • Are long or short blog posts better?

short because: life 😉


  • Who’s your favorite pianist? 

Jon Schmidt from the Piano Guys. obviously.


  • What’s one thing that drives you crazy?

when people purposefully beat around the bush 😉

ok for real tho xD just saaaaay it! x]


  • What makes you mad?

a lie. or mistreatment of someone i love/the innocent.


  • What’s your wildest dream for your life?

when i was little i thought (literally believed) i was going to move to Pennsylvania or Missouri and marry a Christian actor and live happily ever after at Sight & Sound Theaters xD (so glad dreams can change 😉

now it’s probably that this generation will make it past their 30’s.


  • What’s the longest book you’ve read?

the Bible but that’s kinda 66 books 😉 i honestly don’t know… off the top of my head probably How Christianity Changed the World. hmmm unless i’m dis-remembering one…. next will probably be The Full Adventures of Sherlock Holmes or Les Mis


  • What’s your favorite blog?
 i’d have to say [spoiler removed] a secret blog that hasn’t been launched yet. 😉
after that it’d be Brainstorms With Rain. the way the author writes his posts as one continuous story is totally captivating in a hilarious way.
Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 4.32.33 PM
eleven random facts about myself? hmmm….
  1. i almost always have music playing
  2. if i was to pursue a career i would become a pilot, and love it
  3. i love the mountains
  4. i walk with a slight limp because my left kneecap is smaller than my right
  5. certain weather reminds me of certain people (duh lol)
  6. i love driving
  7. i’m re-reading The Book Thief….again
  8. number four isn’t actually true. i just couldn’t think up 11 things
  9.  i would like to own a typewriter
  10. i just listened to the same song three times in a row (ok tbh it was 5 times…)(ok tbh it was many more than 5)
  11. i have to try this sometime:

Image result for fast funny gif

 all right! tagging:
1.    PerAnna @lifewithoutalatte
1.    Mal @brainstormswithrain
1 and 1 make eleven, right? 😛
and here’s the 11 questions you’ll answer… can’t wait to see your answers 😉
  1. if you went for a random drive where would you most likely end up?
  2. do you like talking on the phone?
  3. name one of the best books you’ve read since January 1st 2018
  4. a favorite song this month?
  5. what’s the most meaningful thing a stranger could say to you?
  6. mud fight or movie night?
  7. if you had to listen to music from one group, all day, which group would you chose?
  8. who’s your favorite person to write with?
  9. who’s your favorite person in general?
  10. what book holds some of your favorite memories – unrelated to the story?
  11. what would you give anything to do tomorrow?


bye forever, i’m falling asleep. xP
i hope your tomorrow is just plain good.

7 thoughts on “best gif ever & a tag

  1. lol, THAT gif!!! Love it! And, yeah, the Piano Guys are AWESOME. Lol, for some reason I always refer to him as “The red-headed one..” 😛 Oh, your wildest dream is hilarious, and so… wild!

    Here, I’ll answer the questions in the comments. 🙂

    if you went for a random drive where would you most likely end up?
    I would probably end up lost… But since I don’t generally drive by myself, I actually probably wouldn’t… 😛

    do you like talking on the phone?
    I do, but I would always rather talking in person. 🙂

    name one of the best books you’ve read since January 1st 2018
    Oooouuuch! Hmmmm… Well, my top 2 favorite books ( At the moment) are “The Bronze Bow” and “The Star Under the City.” And of course the Bible, which is the absolute BEST book of all!

    a favorite song this month?
    As Long as You are Glorified. The best version is sung by Coffey Ministries.

    what’s the most meaningful thing a stranger could say to you?
    Hmmm… I’ve never really thought about it… Maybe something along the lines of, “Your life has been a picture of Christ from the moment I saw you.” I would love if someone said that to me.

    mud fight or movie night?
    umm… Both? Just… Not at the same time, please… 😛

    if you had to listen to music from one group, all day, which group would you chose?
    The Galkin Evangelistic Team, for sure!

    who’s your favorite person to write with?
    I haven’t really had much experience writing “with” someone…

    who’s your favorite person in general?
    I love my family!!! ❤ 😀 And all my friends!

    what book holds some of your favorite memories – unrelated to the story?
    Probably "Blessings Everywhere”. My mom would read it to me when I was little, and now I read it to my siblings. 🙂

    what would you give anything to do tomorrow?
    I don’t know… That’s hard. Since I can’t think of anything in particular… xD

    Wow, you are really good at asking questions, Maggie! And those fun facts… 😀 lol, I know what you mean about listening to the same song, over and over! A few days ago, my sister cam up to me and said, “Would it be too much to ask you if you could please turn on a different song for once?” 😀

    I love and miss you! 😀 ❤

    ❤ Psalm 46:1-3,7 ❤

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